Racing Against Leukemia – Start Raising Now!
The initial details for this years Racing Against Leukemia are posted. You can sign up for your First Giving account now and get started raising money for the Leukemia research! We rely heavily on our Raffle to generate donations. We hope that everyone will consider contributing a nice raffle item, something they would enjoy winning. Please contact Karen Paul to register your item: [email protected] or 860-583-8615.
Each year our raffle is a big hit and it a fun way to build our contributions to the UMASS Pedicatric Oncology Center. Let’s keep the momentum going. Please contact Karen Paul with your items. [email protected]. I hope past participants will return and others will give it a “go”,
Please contact me at [email protected] ( change in EMAIL ADDRESS ) to donate to our raffle!!!
No item too small! Consider ANYTHING! Do you have racing memorabiliia? We are sorely in need of raffle donations this year, please consider donating to this great cause. We will also have a 50/50 raffle this year. Let’s make our RAL event shine !
Many many thanks! – Karen Paul, RAL Raffle Coordinator
You can also contact me by phone if you have questions- (860) 583 8615 ( home ) or (860) 967 4449 ( cell)
a BIG thank you to all the workers of RAL 2010. It was a big hit thanks to all of your help. SCCA does a fantastic job in keeping this event ago every year. And its a wonderful cause. Thank you for all that you do.
With love,
Danielle Moehring
Formula Hybrid Recap (5/3-5/6/2010)
If you did not come out to the 2010 Formula Hyrbid Event at New Hampshire Motor Speedway this week, you missed a lot of fun, as well as a great TANNING opportunity! I look like I spent about 15 hours in a tanning salon, and it was FREE, and they FED us!
FSAE Hybrid 2010 was a great success, with over 25 teams signed up, including teams from Russia, and a very professional team from the Polytechnic Institute of Turin, Italy! They had the most professional and well-constructed SAE car I think I’ve ever seen, as well as being FAST, reliable and it had great handling. It even SOUNDED like an Italian Sports Car!
On the local shores, the Wisconsin, University of California-Davis and Texas A&M team all proved a formidable match for the Italian squad. The Texas A&M car, with the P-47 nose-art design, had a louder more American-Muscle sound to its engine. It definitely had the edge in straight-line speed, while the Italians’ car seemed to have a slight edge in handling. The final endurance race event pitted the two teams against each other, on the track together at same time, American Muscle against Italian Finesse.
There were several teams running “Hybrid in Progress” class, which means they were entirely electric-power, with no internal combustion engine in their vehicles for any purposes at all, charging or direct-power to the wheels. The Florisa State University car won that competition easily, being the only HIP car to complete the entire 23 kilometer course on a single charge, and with no mishaps whatsoever. Many at the event agreed that their design was the surprise success of the event.
Most inspiring was the team from MADI State Technical Institute, from Russia! They have attended a few Formula Hybrid events here with us, and have never had a running vehicle. To the applause of ALL the teams in attendance, the MADI team completed all their safety checks and were able, at the end of the day, to get their car out on the endurance course to complete a handful of laps in their vehicle.
The teamwork and support displayed by the teams between the groups was inspiring. Each team donated members to work for the NER members manning corners for shagging cones and flagging stations. Equipment was freely passed around as needed. The New England Region even donated a generator for use for a day to a team who needed to recharge their car, and EVERYONE turned out to watch and cheer the Russian team in their events.
The New England Region Solo group was a co-sponsor of this event, and under the leadership of Davd Hyman, the SAE representative from NER, we were responsible for all the Dynamic Events, including the Braking and Acceleration Tests, Solo Course, and Endurance course racing. NER Members David Hyman, Paul Krysiak, Paul Zahornasky, Bob Lang, Michael Fairbank, Howard Roundy, Wiley Cox and Chang-Ho Kim were in attendance throughout the week, filling in to run various key aspects of the dynamic events for all the teams. Sandy Macpherson, an experience Flagger from NHMS, joined us in running several corner stations during the week, and procured us all the flags we needed for the Endurance events (Blue passing flags? There’s something you don’t see at a normal Solo event, but we needed them here!) Jennifer Schelly was on-hand as a design judge for the competing vehicles. We even had some assistance from FSAE Hybrid members who have raced with NER before, including Alex Chan from the Tufts University Team, who manned a radio on a corner during the Autocross portion of the event. Without the hard work of all these volunteers, these dynamic events would not have run as smoothly as they did.
The final event of the week was the endurance event, which was again on a course laid out by our own Paul Zahornasky on the NASCAR and race track portions of Nascar Corners 3 and 4 at NHMS. Designing a course for FSAE cars, some with inexperienced drivers, is challenging for the combined need to keep everyone safe, while providing an exciting track to drive, as well as not providing any particular kind of car with advantage. As he always does, Paul provided a great course for the drivers, with some sections that were higher speed, as well as some “bus-stop” sections to get the speeds down and see how they handled at lower speeds.
With up to four cars on-course at once, on a 1/2 mile course, and with some cars running under internal combustion power while others ran on pure electric power, we had to provide three “passing zones” on the track, where flaggers would blue-flag the slower car into a special passing area to the side of the course to hold until the faster car had passed in a safe fashion. As the flag man for passing zone #1, I can definitely say this is an exciting place to be! Race control was trusting in the flaggers to judge the car safety and distance as well as closing speed, and with cars changing from Gas to Electric and back again within a single lap, car speeds could vary widely from lap to lap!
The Wisconsin car ran a VERY fast first stint with their first driver, but it seems that the first driver used up all the fuel! The second stint was done purely on electric power, and only running laps 15 seconds slower per lap, still impressive!
At the end of all the events, it was the flawless Endurance event (in the rain!) for the Italian Team that pushed them to a final score in the whole week of just THREE POINTS over the Texas A&M team (out of 1000 available) for first place at the Formula Hybrid Event! Congratulations to Politecnico de Torino for their win, and for all the competitors for just getting their vehicles, and
If you want more information on the Formula Hybrid event, please see the website at
-Wiley Cox
New Promotional Name Tags
Increase region membership! Customized Name Tags invite new comers to ask questions about your Region! Use these for your next event and have your GO TO PEOPLE identified so new people know who to ask for info.
Formula Hybrid 2010: Come out and Volunteer!
This year marks the 5th year that the Formula Hybrid competition will be
held. NER has been involved since the beginning providing equipment and
personnel to this great event. With its blend of engineering education, on
track action and environmental responsibility it not only breeds better
engineers, but also introduces them to the world of grass roots motorsports.
I’m a prime example. My freshman year of college I was taken to my first
autocross and raced a car built for the older sister program Formula Hybrid,
Formula SAE. I became an SCCA member at that event and this fall received my
10 year membership pin.
The 2009 event was very successful with the number of teams attending
increasing substantially over 2008 despite the tough economy. The quality of
the vehicles improved dramatically with many of the teams being experienced
from years past. While still being in a difficult economic situation,
registration for the event this year is about the same as last year and
again many of the teams are returning. I anticipate another jump in the
teams’ designs, build quality and preparedness.
This years Competition will once again be held at NHMS and be hosted by
Dartmouth College of engineering. It’s scheduled to run from May 3 to 6 and
as in past years we’re looking for volunteers to help make this event
successful. Although there is an extra day in the schedule and volunteering
any of the 4 days will be appreciated, the bulk of the help is needed on the
final 2 days. These are the days when the cars are actually on track
competing in “dynamic events” and the experience of NER members running
grids, flagging and handling timing help the most. I’ve included a short
description of each dynamic event and some links to more information below.
Lunch is provided for all volunteers and there’s a BBQ hosted by Dartmouth
on Wed. If you’re interested in helping out for even just part of day
contact me at [email protected].
Thanks in Advance,
Dave Hyman
NER Solo Equipment Manager
2010 Formula Hybrid Dynamic Events Captain
Acceleration (Morning Wed. May 5): The acceleration event is, in short, a
solo drag race. Cars run down a 75m course from a standing start in both
“electric only” and “full hybrid mode” Teams have a maximum of 4 runs.
Positions needed are Starter, Grid and Timing.
Autocross (Afternoon Wed. May 5): The autocross is very similar to SCCA Solo
events only the minimum gate width is significantly tighter. All of the
normal worker assignments need to be filled: Grid, Timing, Starter, and
course workers.
Endurance (Thurs. May 6): The endurance event is a 22km event that includes
a pitstop for a driver change half way through. While still a course through
cones like the autocross, the course is opened up a bit. There are multiple
cars on course at the same and controlled passing by the use dedicated
passing zones. The passing is done under full marshal control so a blue
flagger and green flagger at every zone to flag cars in and out. Worker
positions include starter, passing zone marshals, course workers, and grid.
The Event organizers handling timing and scoring this with their transponder
system, but I’m sure they’ll be open to some experienced help if anyone is
Here are some links to more information:
Formula Hybrid Website
2010 Competition
2010 Schedule of Events (PDF)
2010 Rules
Formula SAE Website
Open Letter to the NEDIV National Drivers
Tom Campbell, Chairman
NEDIV Council
The NEDIV Race schedule for 2010 was recently published. Since then there has been concern expressed by some of the National drivers that there are no double National race events on the calendar.
This issue was discussed at the NE Division meeting in November prior to finalizing the schedule. Although there were a number of double Nationals requested, in the end the regions, as represented by the Regional Executives, decided that there should be none on the schedule for 2010.
The issue of having 3-day double race Nationals has been debated within the division for many years. The arguments are primarily driver preference and regional finances. It has long been stated that many drivers don’t want to extend the weekend by the extra day (at least not on non-holiday weekends) and that they don’t want to be disadvantaged if they can’t attend the double event and have to travel to two separate single events. More recently a strong viewpoint is emerging that the double race weekends are less expensive for the drivers than two separate, single events and that the economics are changing some of the driver’s preferences. Undoubtedly both sides of that issue exist, as well as several positions between the extremes.
The other stake-holders in this issue are the racing regions – those that host the National races. Total participation in National racing has been declining by about 10 – 12 % per year for the past 4 years. Combined with increasing costs (track rental, insurance, etc.) it has become more difficult for the regions, especially those hosting the smaller events, to break even financially. The same trends exist in Regional racing but consistently greater numbers of entries per event make it more economical to host a Regional race. The regions believe that large double race National events will draw entries away from the smaller singe race events to the extent that the single events may no longer be financially viable. The recent feedback from the drivers who are lobbying for the doubles as being more economical are validating this concern.
Many of the National participants are “local” drivers who enter the one or two Nationals at the tracks closest to them but don’t travel to the majority of the National races. If their local track loses its National these drivers won’t fill the void with another National event at a more distant track. On the other hand are the drivers who only enter enough Nationals to qualify for the Runoffs. These days that can be accomplished by only entering two double race events. However, of the 450 drivers participating in the 2009 Nationals in the North East, only 75 actually attended the Runoffs. Does it make sense to design the National racing program for that limited population.
For the 2010 season two of our historical National race events, Summit Point and Mosport, were dropped by the host regions for financial reasons. There remain 7 National races, all single race events, nicely distributed geographically and on the schedule.
So, that is the dilemma – more doubles to provide economy to some of the drivers at the cost of having fewer National races by forcing more regions/tracks out of the National racing schedule.
This issue will be discussed further at the Division’s annual Round Table meeting in New Jersey on March 13 – 14. This is a rather straight forward issue but with no easy solution. It is very important that the decision makers, the RE’s in the division, hear from more of the National drivers, hopefully from the full spectrum of viewpoints, so that they can make well informed decisions. Better yet, the drivers are invited to attend the Round Table to present their views and participate in what will be a lively debate.
2010 Club Racing Season Announcements
Let me first say thank you all for making the necessary commitments for our 2010 NER Road Racing Season. We have a date and locations for out preseason tech day, key word “day”, and having established the chiefs of the first 2 events, the National on April 10th and 11th, and the 2 day Drivers School / 1 day Regional on April 30th, May 1st and May 2nd.
Thank you! AS I am now working…in retail sales, I no longer can say when I will be available to work, not to mention Chief an event this year…But like the rest of us, we will put it together. And this is a great start.
Now for the Nitty Gritty…
For the first time…NER will be having 2 pre-season tech inspection sessions on the same day at 2 different locations.
The Date is….March 27th, Saturday…from 9am until 3pm. As the times are published, each team may do as they like as long as we are available during those hours, so you may start earlier and go later if you wish.
The teams and locations are as follows>>>
Massachusetts location…Brians Garage off RT 95/128..I believe that it is exit 19 A…Brians e-mail is [email protected]
the team: Brian Mushnick, Richard (Dick) Patullo, Kary Daley, Jerry Rigoli, Anthony Parker
New Hampshire Location…3D Autoworks in Hudson, NH…e-mail Deb at [email protected]
the team: Rob Shydo, Scott Dowd, Peter Morrison + son, Peg Dowd
If I didn’t list your name…e-mail me where you would like to assist! Please!
Greg was asking that a 3rd location, one in Ct would be a good, but I feel that the commitment to work 3 locations at once is to tight…we could review things after the National event to see if there is a need and customers for a session in CT.
As the who is going to Chief what event. Let me thank everyone for stepping up to the plate…you all will get the chance to chief an event, trust me!
April 10th + 11th, NHMS Double National…Richard Patullo…
please e-mail dick as soon as you can to set up the team…there will be a lot of cars that will need to be teched…in the first day, but then there should be a lot of great racing to
April 30th, May 1st, May 2nd, NHMS 2 day School and 1 day Regional…Brian Mushnick…
Remember that this starts on a Friday, but Brian will still have at least 40 cars that will need to be inspected, then more on Saturday for the Sunday regional. He will need all
the help he can get! Thank you all in advance…don’t be afraid to get some drivers to help…especially those student drivers who are looking for something to do!
So, that wraps up Techs first 3 dates…pre-tech, a National and the School/ Regional. the next event will be the following weekend on May 8th and 9th, it is the triple Regional at NHMS…I will try for this event to chief.
Then I will need a Vol. to do the Lime Rock Regional in June 18th (Friday) and 19th (Saturday).
I hope to see you all very soon, if not at the annual meeting that at the Pre-season tech or the track.
Scott Dowd
NER SCCA 2009 Annual Meeting, Awards Banquet UPDATED
Download the Registration Form for details and send in your registrations today!
220 Southwood Drive
Nashua, NH
6:00pm – Cocktail hour
7:00pm – Awards Banquet