What’s Going On Here?

Visitors to this site have probably noticed that there have been some visual changes to the site. As the person heading up the Marketing and Communications to the region, I thought I would share what we are trying to do in terms of communicating with our members.

First a small history – When I started with the Region 20 years ago (has it really been that long?), communication from the region to its members was primarily via the US Postal Service. Information was sent out via PitTalk or we would get a flyer about an event in the mail. Email and the internet was something that was used by those computer types, not for public consumption.

As email, and more importantly, the internet became more central to everyday life, our methods of communicating to our members became more electronic. Need a schedule? It’s on the website. Change to the schedule? We put it on the web site. Is one of the programs having a meeting? It’s on the forums. Does the region need help with RAL or at a car show? Post something to the forums or the website.

The problem with all of this is that it requires our members to actively go search for the information. We had transformed our information systems from a push style, where the Region sent information to its membership and the only effort a member needed to exert was to walk to the mailbox, to a pull style, where the member needed to put in the effort to search for the information that we were providing. While we would like to think that all our members use ner.org as their home page, the simple fact of the matter is that the Region has been losing touch with its members.

In order to change this, we need to change how we communicate with our members. It starts with changing back to a ‘push’ system where our members are given information with little or no effort on their part. It continues with having multiple channels – using not just email, but social media as well. Finally, we need to reach out not only to members, but those casual participants that can be turned into valuable members.

In 2012 our focus will be on improving our communications. Our members can expect to see the following:

    • Monthly Emails – The region has a Constant Contact account that has been used by Club Racing to communicate with its participants. At the end of 2011, we used it to send a broadcast email about the region’s annual meeting and awards banquet. Going forward, we will use it to send monthly emails to all members with whom we have an email address. These emails will include up coming events and meetings, links to important time-sensitive announcements, and general news about the region.


    • Social Media – For those that have Facebook accounts, expect to see more on our Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/NERSCCA). While already fairly active, we can use it to reinforce email communications. Facebook (with over 1600 ‘Likes’) also has a certain amount of non-members that we can reach and is often the the first point of contact for those wishing to contact the club. We also have a Twitter account (https://twitter.com/#!/NERSCCA) While still in its infancy, please follow us to see what we might tweet.


  • The Website – Finally, expect to see more content on the front page of the site. While the individual programs are still responsible for laying out their individual sections, we will try to keep the front page more fresh, not just for our members, but for prospective members that are interested in checking us out. Our primary goal will be to reduce the amount of dated stories and make sure that announcements are taken down once they reach their ‘sell-by’ date.


Ultimately, our goal is to make sure that all of our members are receiving all the information that they need and do so as quickly and efficiently as possible. You the member can help out by making sure we have the correct email on file with the SCCA and/or our Membership Chair (hint – if you did not receive two emails about the annual meeting, we don’t have your current email.) If you have read this far, thanks for your time. If you have any comments or suggestions, I can be reached at pzahornasky@gmail.com.


Support RAL 2011 with “Firstgiving”

Dear NER Club Members,
This year’s Race/Rally/Solo Against Leukemia Weekend is scheduled for August 5-7. This is our traditional philanthropic initiative for the year,

which brings us all together to compete and to raise money for pediatric oncology research at UMass Medical Center in Worcester, MA. Many successful fund raising efforts are utilizing online giving as a convenient way for participants to obtain donation from friends and colleagues. Most of us have supported our friends in their endeavors, so now we have a way to have them return the favor. Here is a link that will take you to the UMass Medical Firstgiving website:


Click on the “Join Now” button a follow instruction to create your profil. Maybe I can get a more up to date picture for the website, but for now the functionality is there for you to get going. An RAL committee will be contemplating some rewards for top “online” donations. Last year Dr Peter Newburger told us how our dollars are used to support specific types of research that are integral to finding better cures for kids with cancer. I urge all of you take a little time NOW to create your profile and to begin reaching out to your friends and family to help you support this worthy cause.
Doug Fisher, RE


Join Us at The Racer’s Expo

The Racer's ExpoWe will have a small booth at The Racer’s Expo and one of our members will have a RallyCross pickup to show (outside rather than inside).

Registration is free if you pre-register via email (details on their web site).






Wanted: SCCA Competition Cars for display

WANTED: SCCA competition cars for distinguished Newport RI Car Show, May 22,
2011. Assortment of about 10 (clean) road-racing, solo, and rally cars for
(potential) SCCA coral and promotion tent. Contact Doug Fisher for details


Come have fun at the NER Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet!

Hey, it’s January and the snow is up to your cousin Rupert’s navel again (well, ever since his unfortunate accident ten years ago, a mere flurry produces snow cover that’s up to his navel, but I digress..)

You weren’t REALLY going to lie around the house all month watching ten year old F1re-run’s were you?

No, no, no….you aren’t. Mark off January 7, 8 and 9th for a fun weekend for you and the whole family…(well OK, it’s probably just fun for you, but maybe the rest of them will play along with you on this one! And maybe they WILL enjoy it, which will really free up more weekends to go play next season too!)

Come on out to NER SCCA’s Annual meeting and awards banquet! If it had a theme, then this year’s would be “Having a race weekend WITHOUT having to screw around prepping and transporting a car”.

Which is great, because we all know what a PIA it is to have to deal with a silly car when we are at an event….it really gets in the way of drinking and general debauchery.

So….we have some special events for you this year. Rumor has it we will be having fun at the Go kart track on Friday night. And for those of you who value your ribcage a bit too much for that, we will have an iracing simulator at the hotel for the day on Saturday! Come see how you REALLY fare in a lap around Lime Rock Park! Donations will be collected for Racing Against Leukemia for the runs. The simulator will be available all day Saturday.

Then on Saturday night, this year we are proud to present not only the NERRC awards, but also the NARRC awards! And as always, we are proud to present the year end awards for Rally, Solo and Rally cross as well.

This is a great weekend to come out and see old friends, make new ones, get involved in your club and get your butt kicked in a kart or on the simulator by a ten-year old karting kid (which is probably what is going to happen to most of us)

And oh yeah, there’s all sorts of meeting and things too, training session, club racing, solo, rally and rally cross stuff. We honor our volunteers with a worker appreciation lunch at noon on Saturday. And don’t forget, our Annual meeting that takes place at 2:30 p.m. on Saturday, the 8th. If you’ve never been, this is an interesting look at the inner dynamics of the club.

It really IS a good time, and this year’s event promises to be heavily attended, what with NARRC joining us for our event.

Mark it down: January 7,8 and 9, at the Marriot in Rocky Hill Ct. See the info posted on the home page for the reservation form and more info!

Remember: It’s for the fun of it!


NER Annual Meeting – January 7-9, 2011 (UPDATED WITH FORM)

The NER Annual Meeting Weekend will take place January 7th – 9th, 2011.

Hartford Rocky Hill Marriott
100 Capital Boulevard
Rocky Hill, CT 06067

Saturday, January 8th will include:

  • The Volunteer Appreciation Lunch
  • NER Annual Meeting
  • NER Solo, RAlly, RallyX, NERRC and NARRC awards

Info for hotel reservations :

  • When calling the toll free phone number (800) 228-9290 guests should request Room Block name: “Sports Car Club of America”
  • Cut off date: Friday, December 17, 2010
  • Rate: $89 plus applicable taxes
  • Website Online code: CARCARA